Malleolus fracture

Malleolus fracture is one of the most common fracture in the human body.
For this fracture we use several classifications like: Lauge-Hansen, Weber, AO. Malleolus fracture could be stable or not. The treatment of stable fracture, that can not be displaced under the influence of normal forces, could be conservative (cast, black walker boot).
Pelvic Ring Fracture

Pelvic ring fracture (PRFs) represent 3-8% of all skeletal injuries. The annual incidence of PRFs is estimated to be 19-37 for every 100.000 inhabitants..
This type of fracture is a result of high energy injury like motor vehicle accident (MVA) or a result of low energy injury as it happens in elderly after a fall from their height.

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that occurs with articular cartilage degeneration. This degeneration causes pain even at night.
It usually occurs in the elderly.
Distal radius fracture

Distal radius fracture usually occurs after a fall onto an outstretched hand (FOOSH)
Colle’s fracture seems to be one of the most common types of fracture in this area. It is described as a fracture to the distal radius with dorsal angulation.